
The start of a new year is always a time of reflection for me. I don’t make resolutions or necessarily set goals, but I know that feels right and works for many.

What feels more important for me to do is to reflect on the year as it comes to an end and take stock of what was accomplished, what shifted, what I’m grateful for, and what I’m recommitting to for the year ahead.

This year I have been thinking about the idea of recommitting – what it means and how it supports us in our art practice. For me, even the word “recommitting” feels more empowering than “committing”. Perhaps it is because when we recommit it means that we’re already committed at some level. Somehow this feels affirming and acknowledges the effort we have already put in to support ourselves and our desires.

When we recommit we are telling ourselves that we’re in alignment with our choices – past, present and future. It feels inclusive and empowering, bringing us into a deeper place of trust and connection to our purpose. 

As artists I feel that we practise recommitting constantly in our work. It’s the glue that holds us together. We recommit to our studio time, our progress with a painting, our development of our skills, and our willingness to dive deep and take big risks.

Even in each moment of our process we recommit to staying present, aware and truthful with ourselves. The creation of truly authentic art demands this of us. When we’re making our art from a truly connected place, a place that is open and honest, a place that is not concerned with others’ judgements or making work that sells, we witness our true self and create from that space. It’s a vulnerable space...where we are exposed, raw and out beyond the edge of our comfort zone.

Asking ourselves at anytime, but specially when we’re marking an ending and a new beginning, what we are recommitting ourselves to is a powerful process to explore. Using the question, “What am I recommitting to?” helps us strengthen our resolve. It honours our appreciation of the hard work we do every time we engage with our art-making and paves a way forward for the next phase of our practice.

  • This year I am recommitting to consistency of practise and play in my art-making. Using even the smallest amounts of time as potent possibilities for connection – valuing all of it.

  • I am recommitting to my self-care and drift time, knowing that this inner space is where ideas are birthed and nurtured, supporting the manifestation of my art.

  • I recommit to even more self-acceptance, more willingness to be seen, more truth.

  • In each art-filled moment I recommit to staying aware, present and mindful of the inner dialogue that is occurring. Recommitting to quieting, to discerning and self-supporting.

  • This year I recommit to risking and embracing failure, in pursuit of the juiciest of work. I recommit to discipline, choosing courage over comfort (thanks to Brene Brown for that mantra), and to doing the emotional work that allows me to remain in the discomfort of not knowing.

  • I recommit to being an artist in all ways, in all areas of my life. It’s a privilege to live this way and I recommit to honouring what I have been afforded to do.

May this New Year bring you abundant opportunities for your recommitment to all that supports your life and art-making.