It may feel challenging to give precious time to journal work when you only have a limited amount of time for your art-making. I understand that. But this process that we’re engaged in as artists is one of self actualization and discovery – revealing yourself to yourself.

This happens through deep introspection and connection. And as a result this connection to yourself shows itself in your art. It’s felt by you when doing the work – and experienced by others when they view it.

For our art to be a reflection of our authentic voice, we need to be connected to our authentic selves. To do this we need to take time, ask questions, welcome answers and meet our perfectly imperfect selves with the deepest curiosity, compassion, and acceptance.

Journaling is the gateway to your authenticity, simply by accessing the bigger YOU and quieting the smaller you. The bigger YOU is unencumbered by limiting thoughts and fears. This version of YOU is always available to connect with, but is often quieted by the noise and struggle of the smaller versions of ourselves – the self that allows unproductive thoughts to overtake us and paves the way for feelings of overwhelm or struggle to be more dominant.

This bigger YOU that arrives in your Creativity Journal, and becomes your trusted companion, is available to you at any time, helping you in moments of difficulty and lifting you up when you succeed and grow. It’s our inner support system and we simply need to know how to connect with this part of ourselves to draw on the gifts and guidance available to us.

When you connect with this part of yourself more frequently, through journaling and creative engagement, you can bring this YOU into your creative practice at any time. This YOU can show up and guide you through challenges, blocks, moments of not knowing and steadfastly support your movement towards creating the vision you hold for yourself and your art. YOU are all you need, and that is such a comfort. 

So where do you begin in this process of knowing the bigger version of YOU? 

You start right where you are, with what is present for you. If this territory is completely new to you, begin by writing about how you feel about the prospect of getting to know this part of yourself.

And, if you’re struggling with the very idea of meeting YOU, then here are some writing prompts to get you going:

  • When I am my wisest and most compassionate self, what do I know for certain?

  • If I was to offer myself some support and advice about how to begin this process, what would I tell myself?

  • If I become aware that I have a lot of resistance, or even fear, around beginning this process, what might I say to myself to settle these feelings and begin?

  • What am I willing to let go of to be in this process with myself? What do I need to accept, create and allow? What am I letting go to – meaning what are you moving towards, and wanting to create for yourself?

  • When in my life have I drawn on my inner strength and support for guidance and comfort? What was valuable about that?

Do you work with a creativity journal? I’d love to hear how it supports you, and what it offers to your art-practice. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

This short version blog post is a part of my Mindset Moment series, an accompanying edition to my bi-monthly blog post. My intention for these Mindset Moments is to speak to some of the common challenges artists face with their creative work, and how a mindset shift can make a difference.

They are short reads, with a suggestion or writing prompt that you can work with…as well as an invitation to join in the conversation, sharing your experience and insights.

You can join the conversation by leaving a comment under this blog post, or on my social media posts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, wherever you find me.

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